Pickle's Challenge
Whether its Greta Thunberg, or Aneeshwar Kunchala, children are increasingly the most motivational voice in the sustainability community. And for good reason. Free of the baggage that slows the rest of us down, they both expect change and are the ones most impacted, if we don’t.
Pickle, our Founder’s daughter, is the reason why Pickle Consulting exists. She challenges us to make marketing a force for good, leaving behind the baggage that makes it so harmful and doing it for her future.
Pickle's Question
“Daddy, is your job good for the environment?
My daughter didn’t earn her nickname, Pickle, by being quiet and sheepish. Timed to land at the end of a conference call with an an automative client, it was a question loaded with all the hope, humour and honesty that a 11yr old can muster. There was only one answer, no.
I’ve set out to change that answer to a, yes. I sort to understand what was (is) bad about marketing, what’s good about it (lots) and how I can help companies make marketing a force for good in their organisations.
Paul Randle, CEO & Founder

Answering Pickle's Challenge
Our purpose is to re-orientate & reinvigorate the behaviour changing capabilities of Marketing. Transforming it from an engine of over-consumption and waste generation to a powerful catalyst for positive change, in the pursuit of a sustainable world for all.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (defined by world leaders in 2015) are the 17 biggest challenges our planet faces today. They provide a focus and starting point for all that we do and are embedded in our strategic planning framework, the Sustainable Marketing Framework.

Our evolving targets
Our impact is in our own behaviour and the changes we help our clients implement. We’re a young agency and still working this through, so check back regularly for updates.

Develop Sustainable Marketing Compass (SMC) and drive adoption. Help companies launch sustainable solutions.
Target: Number of marketeers / marketing teams using the SMC.

Work with clients to promote sustainable consumption and production patterns
Target: Targets: Number of clients, number of changed consumption behaviours

Work with clients to minimise marketing's environmental impacts.
Target: Number of client programs focused on behaviour change and their impact.

Establish and facilitate marketing partnerships that promote sustainable marketing
Target: Active partnerships in place and their collective impact.